A Message to the overseas Members - THE BLACK SAMURAI

Thursday, March 17, 2016

A Message to the overseas Members

A Message to the overseas Members 

15th, March, 2016

Greetings to all the members over the world! I believe you practice Karate very hard.

We had made you worry by our internal confusion about operation of our association. In the period, Mr. Nakahara Nobuyuki had retired from the chairman and I was elected as his successor.

Since then, I have made an effort to operate the organization smoothly putting highest priority on making unified and conciliatory organization. At current our association has resumed peace and been normally operated complying with the law. Please be relieved.

Soon after becoming the chairman, I restored relationship with JKF and made JKA rejoin JKF cooperative associations group. After that, all national members have been able to concentrate on Karate practice.

It is instructors who have major important role in our association activities. Therefore, I have kept close communication with them. Now we have established the system which all the instructors concentrate on their task with solid cooperation each other. Our association will keep working on expansion and development of Karate of “Ippon” style as a martial art for many years to come.

We will have close cooperation with members in all over the world and respond expectation. We appreciate for your support and cooperation in the future, too.

Last but not least, I wish you continued success and prosperity from the bottom of my heart.

Public Interest Incorporated Association Japan Karate Association

Kusahara Katsuhide