2017 Self-defence course for Albino Children in Tanzania - THE BLACK SAMURAI

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

2017 Self-defence course for Albino Children in Tanzania

Self-defence course for Albino Children in Tanzania On November 2017, the two-week long self-defence course for Lamadi Albino Children Care Center led by Sensei Jerome George Mhagama and Sensei Mikidadi ‘Ganchan’ Kilindo took place in Lamadi, Tanzania. The course was an integral part of the "Salama Zaidi Lamadi" (Safer in Lamadi) development project financed by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foundation Kiabakari with cooperation with Kiabakari Parish (originator of the project is Fr. Wojciech Adam Kościelniak). The full project is under the development scheme of Polish Aid 2017 and involves the construction of fence for the center, a dormitory for children and the implementation of several courses aiming to create the safe environment for children with albinism as well as secure and self-confident life. The self – defence course was authorized by Japan Karate Association/ World Federation – Tanzania.

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